Thursday, January 12, 2012

SPECIAL REPORT: Don't Become A Brain Decay Statistic!

Great information from:
Joshua Corn
CEO of Stop Aging Now
Editor-In-Chief of Live in the Now

Dear Health Conscious Reader,

If you expect to live into your 80s, which most of us certainly do, here is an important statistic you need to know.

According to the National Institute on Aging, by the time you reach your 80s, you have a 50% chance of suffering from a significant loss of mental function. That's right. The odds are no better than the toss of a coin. Many people ask me why we are losing the fight against cognitive decline, despite all of our advances in medicine and science? The real answer to this will surprise you.

I'm Joshua Corn, Editor-in-Chief of Live in the Now, one of the fastest growing natural health publications in the nation. I am also CEO of Stop Aging Now, a company that has been making premium grade dietary supplements since 1995. My passion for natural health has always driven me to educate people on alternative solutions.
Don't Have a "It Won't Be Me" Mentality

Experts are increasingly alarmed by the sharp increase in the rates of brain decay, with cases surging by 46% in the past decade. The cause for this troubling increase is not known, however factors such as poor diet, environmental toxins and a less active lifestyle certainly play a role. One thing is for sure - if you want to keep your mind and memory intact as you age, you can't risk adopting an "it won't be me" mentality.
If You Wait for Treatment, It's Already Too Late

If you bring up prevention with most doctors, you'll get nowhere fast. The current medical system expects you to wait until you are showing signs of cognitive decline before treatment is even discussed. But here's the sad truth - if you wait until you've been diagnosed, it will be too late. According to NIH's National Institute on Aging, current drugs are only marginally effective at treating brain decay and have many side effects. So why is it that doctors are not focusing their attention on prevention, especially since many methods have been proven to be extremely effective?
Start Protecting Yourself Now

Almost everyone knows somebody who has suffered from brain decay. I lost three grandparents to cognitive decline, and I've seen firsthand the devastating effects it can have on someone's final years. The good news is that many leading scientists from around the world agree that cognitive decline can actually be prevented. My advice to you, whether you are 45 or 75, is that you should start protecting your mind now, before it's too late. If you don't do anything, then you are just rolling the dice, and the odds are not in your favor.
Six Specific Nutrients Play a Critical Role

Over the last few years, I've made brain decay prevention one of my personal missions. I've read nearly every research paper ever published on the matter and have interviewed leading experts nationwide. What I've learned is that amazing new research is proving that specific nutrients can be the secret remedy long overlooked by traditional medicine. The science shows that these nutrients have an undeniable, positive impact on brain health.

Based on my research, the following six nutrients are the "best of the best" and what I believe to be the most promising with regards to preventing cognitive decline.

1. CoQ10: The Brain's Fountain of Youth

Your brain depends on the powerful antioxidant, CoQ10, to keep it healthy. Deficits of CoQ10 severely compromises brain function, leading to sluggish thinking and memory decline. According to a UCSD study, maintaining adequate levels of CoQ10 can slow brain deterioration by 44%. Furthermore, people with high levels of CoQ10 have better mental acuity, motor abilities and mental energy. CoQ10 also benefits your heart and overall energy levels.

2. DHA: The Omega-3 Your Brain Needs Most

By now you have probably heard that omega-3 fatty acids are good for your brain. However, one particular omega-3 called DHA is absolutely critical to optimal brain function. As you age, your brain cells lose the ability to absorb DHA and levels can drop significantly, starving your mind and compromising both brain function and memory retention. So having high levels of DHA literally feeds your brain. Sadly, too many people have critically low DHA levels.
3. Curcumin: India's Brain Miracle Spice

Research shows that a compound called curcumin, a component of turmeric spice that is used in curry, can stop the build-up of a destructive plaque in brain tissue that can severely hamper mental function. In fact, studies conducted at UCLA show that curcumin can slash this plaque by up to 50%. It's interesting to note that India has the highest consumption rate of curcumin in the world, and perhaps not coincidently, the lowest rate of cognitive decline.

4. Berries: Nutritional Superstars for the Brain

New research is pointing to the fact that daily consumption of specific berries can literally "supercharge" brain function. Berries have powerful anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anti-clotting properties, and they also contain brain-boosting antioxidants like resveratrol, quercetin and vitamins C and E. According to studies done by a leading neuroscientist, berries also protect brain cells from inflammation.

5. Alpha Lipoic Acid: The Antioxidant Your Brain Loves

Alpha Lipoic Acid (or ALA), an extremely powerful antioxidant found in vegetables such as broccoli, has a unique molecular composition that allows it to essentially "purify" brain cells. This makes ALA a highly effective antidote to age-related memory decline. However, few people get enough ALA from their diet alone to realize its therapeutic benefits.

6. Vinpocetine: Europe's Secret Brain Booster

For decades, doctors in Europe have relied on vinpocetine, a natural extract of the periwinkle plant, as a treatment for cognitive decline. And it appears as if they have been on to something. The latest research proves that vinpocetine can improve blood flow to the cerebellum, the part of the brain responsible for motor control. Good blood flow is essential to keeping your brain nourished and working optimally. Vinpocetine is just starting to become more popular in the U.S. 

So How Do You Start Protecting Yourself?
I've spent enough years in the natural health industry to know that all the science in the world can't help you if there's no practical way to apply it. That's why I was dismayed when I found it expensive and inconvenient to take advantage of the nutrients that provide the best levels of protection. It was just too difficult to get everything from food on a daily basis and too complicated to take lots of different supplements. That's when I set out to formulate an all-in-one supplement that made it easy and affordable to take the "best of the best" nutrients for brain protection. 
You Owe It to Yourself to Give This a Try

Working with my Scientific Advisory Board, Product Development Team and a leading
U.S. based manufacturer of high-quality supplements, I designed a formula that contains the
"best of the best" brain support nutrients in just 2 small capsules per day.

I call my formula Brain Energizer, and I don't go a day without taking it. I encourage
you to do your own research, and perhaps you will want to try out some of these nutrients on an individual basis. But if you want your mind to work better now and start protecting your memory for the future, I sincerely think you'll benefit from my "all in one" solution.

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