Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Dr. Sears "The Doctor's House Call" Re-Post

Re-Post from Dr. Sears

Shea butter, aloe vera, jojoba, chamomile... at one point, all of these seemed like exotic miracles to keep your skin soft and smooth.
Dr. Sears with Aloe in AfricaOn my way to Durban, South Africa, I came across one of the best and most beautiful kinds of aloe, called aloe saponaria. It was growing wild along the roadside, so I stopped and took this little video...

Now everyone knows what they are, so there’s no mystery anymore.

Especially aloe vera. You’ve seen it in all kinds of products for years.

But today I want to talk to you about a plant that is not aloe vera. It’s a rare and potent form of aloe that even looks different from the aloe vera plants you probably know.

It’s called aloe saponaria.

That’s important because aloe vera is restricted to being used mostly as a moisturizer.

But not only can you use aloe saponaria on your skin, you can also take it internally, and it has many gastrointestinal benefits.

And like many of the plants I found in Africa, this South African aloe kills cancer.

Not just one kind of cancer, but it’s been shown to completely wipe out many kinds of cancer cells. Especially lymphoma cells. Lymphoma is cancer of the T-lymphocytes, which are some of your strongest immune cells. And aloe saponaria kills off several types of lymphoma cells, and stops other types from growing at all.1
Some of this is because of a component called mannan. In studies, mannan from aloe saponaria has a dual effect, obliterating cancer cells and improving the function of normal ones.2

Aloe saponaria is a potent antioxidant, and reduces inflammation in clinical trials, which makes it an ideal treatment for many skin irritations and problems.

Hardly anyone in the West knows about this type of aloe, but in Africa, it’s very common.
In fact, the locals call it “soap aloe” because when you put the sap from this aloe in water, it makes a kind of sudsy foam you can use as a soap that cleans, but is also soothing and moisturizing.
There are many plants like aloe saponaria that are excellent for your skin, but little-known in the West. Traditional healers and local herbalists use them to reduce redness, even out skin tone, smooth out wrinkles, heal dry skin and even relieve itching and irritation.

Let me tell you about a few of these truly exotic oils they use in Africa…

Baobab oil is derived from seeds of the baobab tree native to eastern and southern Africa. Baobab oil has been used in African skin care for centuries as a rub to relieve aches and rheumatism. In Zambia, Africa, they use an infusion of the roots to bathe babies to promote smooth skin.
It’s a moisturizing ingredient used in local formulas for skin and hair. Studies show it improves elasticity and encourages regeneration of skin cells. It doesn’t clog pores, which makes it excellent for treating skin ailments like eczema and psoriasis.

Andiroba oil comes from a very tall tree related to mahogany, and sometimes called “royal mahogany.” It produces nuts, leaves, bark and pulpwood that are all medicinally valuable, especially for your skin.
The oil is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, making it anti-inflammatory. It’s used in Africa as a treatment for rheumatism and arthritis because it penetrates deeply, absorbs completely and relieves pain.3 Andiroba also soothes skin irritations because of compounds called limonoids. It is antimicrobial when you apply it to your skin, and it improves skin strength and speeds your body’s own skin healing process.4

Tamanu oil is made from crushing the dried nuts of the tamanu tree (Alophyllum inophyllum). Traditional healers in Africa have used it to heal wounds and strengthen skin for centuries. The oil soothes skin, relieves irritations including sunburn, inflammation and rashes. It is hydrating and helps regenerate skin cells.5 You can use it undiluted as a treatment for eczema and psoriasis, and everyday cuts and wounds. Sometimes lip balms and lotions contain a small percentage of tamanu because it’s so good for your skin.

Argan oil comes from the fruit of the argan tree, native to North Africa. It’s sometimes called “Morroccan Liquid Gold” because the oil is so prized. It’s rubbed on babies, brushed into women’s hair and even sprinkled on couscous because the oil is so healthy. Studies show it can improve markers for both diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
For your skin, you can use it to reduce blemishes, reduce scars left by acne, prevent stretch marks, moisturize and relieve chapped and dry skin. It’s also used to protect skin elasticity and promote healthy skin and hair.

Marula oil has a high content of palmitic acid, which creates a protective coating on the skin. It’s great for dry skin since it absorbs quickly and hydrates and heals the skin. It reduces trans-epidermal water loss, a problem that causes moisture loss in black skin. It’s also said to reduce redness and improves skin texture.
My staff and I are investigating all of these oils and researching ways to put them in exotic new formulations for Pure Radiance. If you haven’t checked out my other new Pure Radiance products, you can learn more by Clicking Here.

To Your Good Health,
Al Sears, MD
Al Sears, MD

1. Sampedro M, Artola R, Murature M, Murature D, Ditamo Y, Roth G, Kivatinitz S. “Mannan from Aloe saponaria inhibits tumoral cell activation and proliferation.” Int Immunopharmacol. 2004 Mar;4(3):411-8.
2. Sampedro M, Artola R, Murature M, Murature D, Ditamo Y, Roth G, Kivatinitz S. “Mannan from Aloe saponaria inhibits tumoral cell activation and proliferation.” Int Immunopharmacol. 2004 Mar;4(3):411-8.
3. Penido C, Conte F, Chagas M, Rodrigues C, Pereira J, Henriques M. “Antiinflammatory effects of natural tetranortriterpenoids isolated from Carapa guianensis Aublet on zymosan-induced arthritis in mice.” Inflamm Res. 2006 Nov;55(11):457-64.
4. Nayak B, Kanhai J, Milne D, Swanston W, Mayers S, Eversley M, Rao A. “Investigation of the wound healing activity of Carapa guianensis L. (Meliaceae) bark extract in rats using excision, incision, and dead space wound models.” J Med Food. 2010 Oct;13(5):1141-6.
5. Dweck A, Meadows T. “Tamanu (Calophyllum inophyllum) - the African, Asian, Polynesian and Pacific Panacea.” Int J Cosmet Sci. 2002 Dec;24(6):341-8.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Re-Post from the Wellness Professor "Tim Dennehy" These osteoporosis drugs actually cause fractures

In October 2010 the FDA released a warning stating that Bisphosphanate drugs used for osteoporosis have been linked to atypical fractures of the thigh. These drugs include Fosamax, Boniva, Actonel and Zometa. This new adverse effect is one among many for these drugs.  

As I have talked about with statin drugs a barometer to establish how well a particular drug works is determined by the number needed to treat (NNT). The lower the NNT the more effective the drug.
So a drug with an NNT of one works for everyone. A drug with an NNT of one hundred works for one out of every one hundred people, etc. Let's look at the number needed to treat for these osteoporosis drugs.

A study out of the "Journal of Bone and Mineral Research" estimates that the number needed to treat for Bisphosphonates is anywhere from 100 to up to several thousands. This means that possibly thousands of people need to take the drug for one person to benefit. (1)  

These drugs do not work for the primary prevention of hip fractures (first fracture). They may work for a very small percentage of people with a low bone mineral density and a history of fractures, but are they worth the risks?

In addition to their lack of efficacy, these drugs can increase your risk of jawbone necrosis, kidney damage and esophageal cancer.

The incidence of esophageal cancer for Bisphosphanate users is 1 case per 1,000 people taking the drug (3). If the NNT of these drugs is 1,000 that means for every 1,000 people that take these drugs one fracture will be prevented, but one case of esophageal cancer will occur. Just like with statins, we are trading one disease for another. 

While there is still a great deal to learn about osteoporosis and how to prevent it, these drugs are not the answer. Here are some ways to limit the risk of osteoporosis and bone fractures in the elderly.

1. Osteoporosis prevention should start in childhood. Adequate Vitamin D levels and calcium intake are critical for strong bones. What is the right form of calcium? Here is a quick answer: it is not cow's milk or supplements. I will discuss why and the best ways to get calcium in my next newsletter.

2. Avoid excessive consumption of acidic foods like grains, dairy, meats, coffee, sugar, sodas, and carbonated beverages. The body has to maintain a PH balance. When the PH is too acidic calcium leaches from the bones to correct this. Eat foods that give you an alkaline PH. These include whole fruits and vegetables.

3. Exercise with weights. Weight bearing exercise is critical for bone health and should be done at least 3-4 times per week.

4. This one may sound obvious, but limit your risk of falling. Avoid drugs that increase this risk, particularly in the elderly, such as sleeping pills and anti-anxiety medications that may cause drowsiness and dizziness.

Until next time....

Stay healthy my friends,

The Wellness Professor 


1. J Bone Miner Res. 2008 September; 23(9): 1435-1441.
Published online 2008 April 21. doi:  10.1359/JBMR.080418

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Why this Single Organ Powerfully Dictates Whether You're Healthy or Sick

This is a great article from Dr. Mercola:  It includes interviews with Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride and Caroline Barringer, a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (NTP), who is an expert in the preparation of the foods prescribed in Dr. McBride's GAPS program.

Story at-a-glance

  • Your gut serves as your second brain, and even produces more serotonin—known to have a beneficial influence on your mood—than your brain does. It is also home to countless bacteria, both good and bad. These bacteria outnumber the cells in your body by at least 10 to one, and maintaining the ideal balance of good and bad bacteria forms the foundation for good health—physical, mental and emotional.
  • Most disease originates in your digestive system. This includes both physical and mental disease. Once you heal and seal your gut lining, and make your digestive system work properly again, disease symptoms will typically resolve
  • The GAPS protocol is designed to restore the integrity of your gut lining by providing your body with the necessary building blocks needed for healthy enterocyte reproduction, and restoring balance to your gut flora. Basic dietary details are included

Friday, March 16, 2012

Are You Taking One of the Stain Drugs? Information You Need To Know

From the Wellness Professor: Tim Dannehy

About one out of every four Americans take a statin drug to lower cholesterol.

In February this year, the FDA said that all statins must carry warnings about increased risks of elevated blood sugar and possible transient memory and cognition problems. The label changes apply to Atorvastatin (Lipitor), Fluvastatin (Lescol), Lovastatin (Mevacor), Lovastatin extended-release (Altoprev), Pravastatin (Pravachol), Rosuvastatin (Crestor), and Simvastatin (Zocor).

Despite the additional warnings, the FDA said that it continues to believe that the cardiovascular benefits of statins outweigh these small increased risks.

There is no debate that statins work very well at lowering cholesterol and triglycerides. The debate is whether their risks outweigh the benefits.

My issue with statin drugs is when they are used for the primary prevention of a heart attack, meaning they are prescribed to people with no history of cardiovascular disease, but may have high cholesterol or triglycerides. Statins show some benefit in preventing heart attacks vs. placebo in this population, but do the risks outweigh the benefits?

Take a look at the Lipitor commercial where they boast a 33% reduction in heart attacks when people take their drug. Sounds great, but here is the reality behind the sales pitch. If 100 people take a statin drug, two of them will have a heart attack. If 100 people take placebo, three will have a heart attack. So 100 people need to take Lipitor in order to prevent one heart attack. That means that 99 other people will get zero benefit from taking these drugs. The only thing they get is the possible side effects.

Here is a recent quote from noted cardiologist Dr. Rita Redberg:

"Despite research that has included tens of thousands of people, there is no evidence that taking statins prolongs life, although cholesterol levels do decrease. Using the most optimistic projections, for every 100 healthy people who take statins for five years, one or two will avoid a heart attack. One will develop diabetes. But, on average, there is no evidence that the group taking statins will live any longer than those who don't."

This is essentially trading one disease for another. No heart attack, but now we have one more person with diabetes.  

Statins deplete important CoQ10 levels

One very important side effect of statins not listed by the drug companies is the depletion of Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) levels in people taking these drugs. CoQ10 exists in every cell of the body and is responsible for 95% of the energy production in certain cells.
CoQ10 is an extremely important nutrient that supports vital muscle function. Without sufficient levels of CoQ10, the body's ability to repair and regenerate skeletal muscle is greatly compromised.  
CoQ10, according to the Mayo Clinic, is produced by the human body and is necessary for the basic functioning of cells. CoQ10 levels are reported to be low in patients with some chronic diseases such as heart conditions, and muscular dystrophies. Some prescription drugs (statins) may also lower CoQ10 levels.

Studies have shown that two-thirds of patients without heart problems who were put on a low dose of a statin medication developed problems with the heart filling up with blood normally.  

According to the cardiologist who conducted this study, Peter H. Langsjoen, this abnormality was caused by CoQ10 depletion. He reasoned that without CoQ10, the cell's mitochondria are inhibited from producing energy, leading to heart muscle weakness. The heart is especially susceptible because it requires more CoQ10 than any other tissue in the body. 

The results of nine other controlled studies examining whether statins were responsible for decreased CoQ10 production concluded that 90% of the participants suffered significant depletion of CoQ10.

Dr. Langsjoen believes that taking CoQ10 should be mandatory for anyone taking statins so that the risks and side effects can be counteracted. Here is a quote from one of his lectures. 

"A deficiency of CoQ10 always effects heart muscle function" If you want to view his 40 minute lecture about CoQ10 click here

It is already a requirement in Canada. Health authorities there require that statins must carry a precautionary warning regarding CoQ10 depletion. Doctors are also required to talk to their patients about taking CoQ10 when they prescribe statins.

If you are taking a statin medication, you would be well advised to research their side effects and discuss the risks vs. benefits with your doctor.

If you decide to continue statin therapy, it is imperative that you include a CoQ10 supplement to counteract the depletion caused by statin drugs.

You must take a high quality CoQ10. There are many junk CoQ10 products on the market that do not get absorbed well and are ineffective. Contact me for more CoQ10 information and I can steer you in the right direction.   

Until next time......

Stay healthy my friends,

The Wellness Professor 


Mayo Clinic Staff, "Statins: Are these cholesterol-lowering drugs right for you?, product information for patients, "Lipitor side effects"
The Mayo Clinic, "Coenzyme Q10", "Life Extension Magazine: Innovative Research and Applications for CoQ10"
The Weston A. Price Foundation, "Dangers of Statin Drugs: What You Haven't Been Told About Popular Cholesterol-Lowing Medicines.", "Cholesterol-Lowering Drugs Will Wreck Your Muscles", "Statins Cause Muscle Damage", "Statin Drugs Given for 5 Years for Heart Disease Prevention (With Known Heart Disease)"

AJ Web Marketing offers a great  CoQ10 supplement from Dr. Sears:   "Primal Force ACCEL"

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

I Thiought You Would Like This: Re-Post from Dr. Sears

This is a little different from what I usually post.  But Dr. Sears trip to Africa has been interesting to follow, and I thought you would like this, enjoy!

When I first got to Ngorongoro, my eyes deceived me.
Ngoribgoro CraterThe Ngorongoro lions are huge, with big, thick, dark, puffy manes. The darker the mane, the more mates a lion will have.
From the lodge, you can see Lake Mugadi, and from that angle, because it’s closer to the lodge side, it looks like it takes up three quarters of the crater. Then when you drive to the other side of Ngorongoro the lake looks tiny and off in the distance. I realized that the crater is enormous.
I was surprised that the lions appeared totally indifferent to my presence. I couldn’t get as close as I wanted, but seeing them was not disappointing at all. The lions were incredible, just to be near them in person.
The Chief Director told me there are five prides of lions in the Ngorongoro wildlife conservation area. A total of about 100 lions. And these were huge lions.
The biggest lions I’ve ever seen. They looked markedly bigger than any I’d seen in a zoo. Especially this one male we saw. And there was a young male that was also just huge; big-boned, bulky... stocky.
And they’re very well fed there. They looked very nourished. I’d never seen a lions mane like this. Really big, puffy, lustrous mane, and it went all the way down his back. The mane didn’t stop on the back of his neck. It went halfway down his back in a strip.
But it’s not only lions in Ngorongoro. There are almost every kind of African plains animal in there. But they’re kind of trapped in a way. They could walk up the steep hills but they don’t.
The elephants you see are only the big bull rogue elephants. There are no herds of elephants with the mothers and their babies. They’re around the outside of the preserve like the giraffes, but not inside.
And giraffes can’t get in there. Even though there are giraffes outside of the crater, they can’t manage the steepness of the slopes. So there’s everything except giraffes.
Here are some of my thoughts on Ngorongoro...
Notes From My Journal
I can hardly believe I’m really here....
Maybe the wildest place on Earth. Untamed. Fierce. Primal.
The jungle rules here, and it is a jungle. I expected a savannah when I went to see the lions. But I’m on a cliff on the side of a mountain in a dense rainforest.
I’m sitting on this mahogany balcony with my leather notepad. My staff gave it to me as a going away present for this trip to Africa. I’m thinking I’m a lucky man.
Jungles sing at night. Every jungle has its own song.
This jungle has rustling of canopy trees in the wind coming up the slope from the crater far below. And I’m surrounded with chirps and hoots and whistles and howls. Signals to something out there somewhere. I don’t know the language. But I could be lulled into thinking that I used to. Then, all of a sudden... What is this round of screeching about?
I stare into the pitch black. Now the jungle grows quiet.
Are there lions looking back at me from the dark? Licking their lips? I reckon they would have to lick their lips delicately. Lions rip the skin off their kill with their tongues.
Ngorongoro has the largest and fiercest lions in the world. Could they have their nocturnal eyes fixed on me? And their feline brains fixed on licking my skin off?
You know, it’s getting late. I’ve got a big day with the Chief Director of Conservation tomorrow. Can’t be dilly-dallying out here all night. And, I’ve got a bottle of Patron on my desk. It will do just fine to hold me over… until my courage comes back.
9:37: One foot on the brake. Stop. Lurch forward. Adam, my driver, eases us down the steep descent into the crater. Today I will have my day with the lions I’ve been waiting to meet.
11:32: The lions are here and I am here, but we do not meet. They have important previous engagements with the sun, the grass, active lion cubs, mates, and their game.
12:45: They totally ignore my arrival on their scene. They’re just doing what they do. Stalking the wildebeests and the zebra. They were interested in them. they’re just lying around in the sun. The most they’ll do is occasionally roll over on their back and put their paws in the air.
Except for the leader of the pride. There was a lioness in heat that he had sex with about five times. Very violent, dominating kind of thing that, like chimpanzee sex, lasted about six seconds. Just turn your head and you miss it.
And I did see one funny sequence ... the lions got chased by another animal. Usually it's the opposite. Remember, these were taken from pretty far off. Here's what I saw:
Lions 1The male lion approaches the lioness in heat
Lions 2The male lion moves in, and the water buffalo
start to get real interested in what’s going on
Lions 3The lions begin to have sex and the water buffalo aren’t
sure they want this happening so close to them...
Lions 4Water buffalo start to surround the lions
Lions 5The lions get up and start to move away
Lions 6They pick up speed...
Lions 7Ornery water buffalo chases the lions out of their area across the Ngorongoro crater.
In fact, I’ve seen so many animals in my travels in Africa... I still have to show you photos of my safari drive, my trips to Rwanda and The Congo. And I have more healing herbs, plants and foods to show you that almost no one in the West even knows about yet. All coming soon.
To Your Good Health,
Al Sears, MD
Al Sears, MD

Friday, March 9, 2012

Re-Post from Dr. Sears MD: "Dr. House Calls"

AJ Web Marketing's blog is devoted to bringing you the best Natural Health and Beauty information as we can find.   Here is a great re-post by Dr. Sears on vitamin D and how important it is to our health.

Al Sears, MD
11903 Southern Blvd., Ste. 208
Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411

I’ve been telling you stories and showing you photos from my trips through the rainforests in Africa. So it wouldn’t surprise me if you have the impression that I haven’t spent a minute out in the sun.

But the truth is, the one constant in Africa is the sun. And I just read about another important benefit we get from sunshine.

I’ve showed you how vitamin D is more than a vitamin – that it also works as a hormone. Now we know that it’s even more than a hormone. It’s a gene regulator.
A new study shows that vitamin D binds directly to your DNA.1
And what does vitamin D do for you when it’s bound to your DNA? The newest Journal of Immunology shows that it activates a gene that stops inflammation.
How does this relate to sunshine? Exposure to the sun is the main source for your body’s vitamin D.

In my opinion, this study puts one more nail in the coffin of modern advice to avoid the sun at all costs. Making the recommendation to cover up and stay out of the sunshine about the worst advice you could ever take.

That also makes vitamin D possibly the most important nutrient we know of.
Because of the ten leading causes of death in the U.S., chronic inflammation contributes to at least seven of them. These include heart disease, cancer, chronic lower respiratory disease, stroke, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, and nephritis.2

The trick is, you need to have enough vitamin D to activate the process. And this is where modern advice is failing you.

Current national guidelines suggest that you should have a minimum blood serum level of 20 ng/ml. But that means getting only 600 IU a day.

Except look what happens when your blood levels are that low. In various studies:
  • People with low vitamin D have significantly more cases of colon cancer.3
  • More than half of people with osteoporosis-related fractured had low vitamin D.4
  • 63% of people with Crohn’s disease still had low vitamin D even though 40% of them were taking a supplement!5
  • An incredible 96% of people who had heart attacks were vitamin D deficient.6
Sunshine is the main source of most of your vitamin D. From there your body makes the two kinds of vitamin D you use.

The problem is, almost everyone is deficient in vitamin D. I’m not exaggerating. One study looked at 1,600 people and found 89% of them had low vitamin D7. I could go on and on. In fact, if you search for “low vitamin D” studies in the PubMed database, you’ll see almost 9000 studies!

My patients do their best to get in the sun and take supplements. But when they come to my clinic, their levels of vitamin D are still too low.
So the next time you go in for a physical, ask your doctor to check your level of vitamin D. It’s a simple, inexpensive test that provides valuable information.

I recommend you aim for a minimum of 2,000 IU of vitamin D a day. If you get your level tested and it’s low, take between 5,000 and 10,000 IU a day from a variety of sources until you’re levels are back up.

The best source is the sun. And you don’t have to be in Africa near the equator like I am to get enough sunshine to recharge your vitamin D. Try and go outside and expose your body to sunlight every day. As little as 10 minutes in the midday sun produces 10,000 units of vitamin D. You feel instantly better.

Eating fish a few times a week will give you a lot of vitamin D, too. You might want to stick with the smaller, cold-water fish like sardines to avoid the mercury in some of the larger fish.

But I understand that some people don’t like fish. Others find fish too expensive, especially if the fish is seasonal. In that case, try supplementing with some cod liver oil. It’s not the same cod liver oil your mom may have threatened you with when you were a kid. Today’s version has a clean, fresh lemony taste, and just a tablespoon full gives you more than 1,300 IU.

Wishing you the best Health, and Wellness

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Never Worry About Your Prostate Again

Click Here to Learn Order
then click on ProstaVive on Left side

If you take an herbal supplement for your prostate you may not get the relief you want. Many formulas are outdated, or don’t have the right nutrients to stop the most common problems, like those late night bathroom breaks.

They include herbs and nutrients for prostate support everyone knows about, like zinc, lycopene and saw palmetto.

But while those work and I use them myself, I’ve seen more guys come though my office than I can count. And most of them are missing out on the three ingredients that make a difference you can actually feel.

Read below and Dr. Sears will show you exactly how to use them.

Did you know that by the time you’re 80 years old, your chance of keeping good urine flow is just 1 in 10?
That means there’s a 90 percent chance that the simple, natural process of relieving yourself will become a chore ... or worse.
Are you willing to live with that?
You don’t have to. You can choose NOT to let this happen.
I use six effective nutrients with my male patients that support a strong urine flow and a normal-functioning prostate.
Just one of them helped 79 percent of men who were going to the bathroom a little too often and had a hard time peeing.
In fact, studies of this little-known prostate supporter showed remarkable results:1
Residual urine decreased by 92%: “Residual” urine is the amount of urine left behind after you go to the bathroom. If you’ve ever experienced this you know how uncomfortable it can be -- the feeling of still having to pee, even though you just went.
Urine force and flow improved by 86%: Remember how strong your flow was back in the day? When it felt like you could high-pressure clean the porcelain or take the paint off a wall?
Need to urinate at night dropped by 85%: This can make you lose sleep night after night, having to get out of bed every time you feel the urge to pee. It’s one of the most disruptive effects my patients tell me about.
The feeling of strain during urination dropped by 56%: You probably know what this feels like -- having to clench your muscles and “push down” to get the pee to come out.
I know what works for your prostate. Let me show you.

Eliminate Worry and Anxiety

Your prostate is a gland that sits just under your bladder.
Maintain a healthy-sized prostate and it will serve you well for as long as you live. No worry, no stress, no anxiety.
To keep the natural, normal shape of your prostate, there are six ingredients I believe your prostate formula must have to work.
Unfortunately, many don’t have them.
Here’s the problem: Most store-bought formulas are all the same. Even the ones with the doctors’ pictures on them. Most of these guys just slap their label on a pre-fab formula put together by the manufacturer.
The concern is they don’t keep up with the latest discoveries.
Sure, ingredients like saw palmetto are important. I use them myself. But there are six prostate nutrients most doctors either don’t know about or overlook.
These are the ones that make a difference you can actually feel.
The first is bee pollen.

Power Up Your Peeing Power with Bee Pollen

This may come as a bit of a surprise to you, but the same stuff bees gather to make honey – concentrated pollen extract – can make you pee with more power.
Pollen, the “seed” of flowering plants allows them to reproduce. What you may not know is that it’s also chock full of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, unsaturated fats, enzymes and more. Pollen extract is a “superfood” for bees – and for your prostate.
Studies show bee pollen reduces DHT, the hormone that starts to ramp up as you get older. Low levels of DHT are critical for a healthy-sized prostate.
When researchers in England gave it to men who were going to the bathroom a little too often and had a hard time peeing, 79 percent of them showed real improvement.2
Bee pollen also helps relax the smooth muscles lining your urinary tract. That means when you have to pee, you can relax and let it rip.
Bee pollen is a huge help and it gives you the newest, most innovative support for your prostate. But there are other ingredients I believe are essential, too.

Does Your Doctor Know About This?

The second nutrient you need for a healthy prostate is the mineral boron.
This is one rock every man needs. It’s a must-have mineral to help keep your prostate in its natural, walnut-sized shape.
Boron used to be in the fruits and vegetables you eat. But commercial farming has depleted our soil from many of the minerals you need to stay healthy.
After helping men for more than two decades, I believe the most powerful mineral you can give your prostate is boron. And here’s the kicker: Almost no one knows about it.
Until now, the power of boron has been either overlooked or ignored. Yet there’s plenty of clinical evidence showing boron’s remarkable ability to safeguard your prostate from the proteins and enzymes that may change your prostate’s natural, healthy size.
The third is a nutrient called 5-Loxin.
This powerful extract supports your prostate on a cellular level. It goes above and beyond the traditional herbs used for prostate health.
5-Loxin is one of the best ways to support your prostate.
An important part of maintaining good prostate health is keeping inflammation low, and 5-loxin is one of the best ways to help reduce inflammation.
By maintaining a healthy inflammation response, 5-Loxin is one of the most promising advances in prostate health I’ve seen in 15 years. I recommend it to any man who will listen.

Use the “Big 3” Prostate Herbs for Safe, Reliable Support

Certain herbs can help as well. Europeans need a prescription for these herbs meaning they’re fully researched and well tested. They are the best at keeping your prostate at its normal size.
I use these three in my practice almost daily:
  • Saw Palmetto: In a review of numerous saw palmetto studies, men got help with their prostate. They stopped getting up to go to the bathroom during the night and reported better quality sleep.
    The same men experienced an increase in urinary flow and felt that their bladders were actually empty after urinating.3
  • Pygeum Africanum: Extracts of this African herb show impressive results. In one study, urinary flow improved, late-night bathroom trips decreased and the men reported better sexual performance.4
  • Pumpkin Seed Extract: A German study of over 2,000 men put this well-known prostate protector to the test. The overall results, measured by the International Prostate Symptom Score, improved by almost 50 percent. Quality of life scores improved by 46 percent.5

Cross “Prostate” Off Your List of Things to Worry About

Your prostate shouldn’t be a source of anxiety. Ideally, you shouldn’t have to think about it at all ... and with my ProstaVive, you get the support you need to keep it off your worry list.
So enjoy that round of golf, take in a movie or go for a drive. You won’t have to give your prostate a second thought.
You now have the best possible prostate support on your side.
I developed ProstaVive after decades of helping my male patients and years of searching for and uncovering the newest effective ingredients known to support natural prostate health.
I can tell you the nutrients you’ll find in every bottle of ProstaVive are your best shot at keeping a healthy prostate for as long as you live.
The men who come to my clinic would agree. In fact, I have guys coming to my Florida clinic from all over the world. Patients fly in from London, Tokyo, even far flung places like Russia and North Africa.
They make the extra effort because they know I have a reputation for getting results.

But You Can Get the Same Help Right Now...
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But please keep something in mind… and this is important.
Don’t wait around thinking this won’t happen to you. It will.
Every man needs prostate support.
That includes you.
If your prostate formula doesn’t have the ingredients you’ve read about in this letter, throw it in the trash.
Don’t take a “wait and see” approach with your prostate.

Friday, March 2, 2012

You would have to eat 10 servings of Spanish

Here is another article by Dr. Sears.

You’d have to eat 10 servings of spinach to get the same level of minerals from just one serving about 50 years ago.

Producers create “hybrid” forms of your fruits and vegetables – not for their ability to store nutrients but for their color, weight and shelf life. Why? So they’ll look nice and pretty when they sit under the fluorescent lights of your supermarket.

You may think they look nutritious, but “under the hood,” they contain little more than indigestible cellulose, sugar, and water.

To help protect you from this travesty, I created a formula of powerful “green foods” that gives you the nutrient power of over 9 pounds of assorted vegetables – all from drinking a naturally fortified glass of juice or water.

This breakthrough is exciting news.

We first began to know that there was a problem back in 1936. A group of doctors introduced Document No. 264 to the floor of the United States Senate. It was a dire warning that the mineral content of the soil was eroding. Vegetables were losing their power and people were at risk.

Unfortunately Congress did nothing.

Today, we’re feeling the effects…

For instance, just look at the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) nutritional values for fruits and vegetables today compared to 1975.
Here’s the loss of vitamins and minerals:
  • Apples: Vitamin A is down 41%
  • Sweet peppers: Vitamin C is down 31%
  • Watercress: Iron is down 88%
  • Broccoli: Calcium and Vitamin A are down 50%
  • Cauliflower: Vitamin C is down 45%, Vitamin B1 is down 48%, and Vitamin B2 is down 47%
  • Collard greens: Vitamin A is down 45%, Potassium is down 60%, and Magnesium is down 85%

According to the USDA’s own numbers, the vitamin and mineral content has dramatically plummeted – in just 30 years!

Notice minerals like iron and magnesium have dropped by more than 80 percent. That’s from commercial farming technology and powerful fertilizers that practically sterilize the soil, leaving it with little to no mineral content.

If the soil doesn’t have minerals, there’s no way for vegetables to absorb them.

And that’s bad news for your health. Magnesium regulates over 300 body functions every day and is critical to heart health and healthy glucose metabolism.*
But the story doesn’t end there…

I wasn’t the only one to realize your fruits and vegetables don’t pack the nutritional punch they used to. A report from the University of Texas in Austin, also tracked the decline of nutrients in produce.

They reported findings at a meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in St. Louis. They found significant drops in a wide range of produce across the board, including a 20% decline in vitamin C and a 38% plunge in vitamin B2.

What’s worse, fruit and vegetable growers create “hybrids” for the sake of making their produce “look better.” They actually create new versions of all your favorites so they have more water, more sugar, more pith (the indigestible support tissue like the white fibrous netting around an orange section), and less of everything else.

Growers call this the “dilution effect.” For them, more water and more pith helps their produce ship well, look good, and weigh a lot. But it virtually wipes out their vitamin and mineral content.
The plunge in nutrients in your produce over the past 30 to 50 years is bad enough. But it is rapidly getting much worse. Genetic hybrids are pushing nutrient values even lower.
A popular broccoli hybrid called “Marathon” is an alarming example:

By the USDA’s own admission, levels of calcium and magnesium in the Marathon hybrid are 35% lower than other hybrids. The hybrids themselves are 50% lower in calcium and magnesium than “normal” broccoli. And the “normal” broccoli has less than half the calcium and magnesium than broccoli did in 1975!

In less than 50 years, the mineral, vitamin, and antioxidant value native to fruits and vegetables has been virtually “destroyed” – robbing you of the natural vital nutrients you need every day.

But you can take a simple step to get them back.

I’ve created a unique “super food” that gives you back everything you’re missing from your altered food supply.

It has all 71 minerals your body needs everyday – and they’re easy to absorb.
What do I mean by “super foods”?

I’m talking about things like spirulina and chlorophyll, which are packed with the natural vitamins that you need but you’re no longer getting from your produce.

Spirulina is the oldest food on earth, arriving on this planet over 3.5 billion years ago. It’s actually a kind of blue-green algae. After 30 years of clinical study, researchers agree it’s the world’s richest source of vitamins, minerals, iron, protein, and a host of other energizing and detoxifying nutrients.

Scientists at NASA consider it the perfect food for astronauts when they travel into space. In fact, one pound of spirulina has the nutritional power of 1,000 pounds of assorted vegetables.
Barley grass is also very well-balanced. It has the EXACT blend of amino acids, proteins, enzymes, vitamins, and minerals that you need for optimum health. Its healing powers are so historic you find it mentioned in the Bible.

I have also added over 40 other nutrients designed to boost your energy levels and give you a single source of total nutrition.* Here’s just a partial list of what you’ll find:
  • A Total of 12 Green Super Foods
  • 3 Essential Fibers
  • 12 Healing Herbs
  • 8 Additional Super Foods
  • 6 Energy-Dense Sea Vegetables
  • Probiotic Growth Factor (Critical for Digestion and Nutrient Absorption)
Taken in combination, they are more than just the sum of their parts. They have a cumulative effect over time. My Wellness Research Foundation has been using my Ultra Greens formula with remarkable results. Reports of accelerated healing and better health are common.*

I’ve been using Ultra Greens with my patients, too. I’ve watched it improve cardiovascular health… repair and detoxify the liver and lymph nodes… turn the tables on fatigue… boost the immune system and revitalize, energize, and rejuvenate the body.

Living in the 21st century affords you many luxuries. High-speed computers… cell phones… air conditioning and plasma TVs… but the chemicals and industrial solvents that make them possible are poisonous. And they’re flowing through your blood as you read this letter.

In 2005, the nonprofit Environmental Working Group published the results of a sobering study. After analyzing the blood of newborn babies from around the country, they discovered 287 chemicals and other toxins.4 One of the pesticides that turned up the most was a by-product of DDT – a pesticide banned in 1972.

They also found:
  • 76 chemicals that damage cells in humans and animals.
  • 94 that are toxic to the brain and nervous system.
  • 79 that are toxic to a developing fetus.
At this point in history, we’re being poisoned before we take our first breath. But this is not limited to newborns. Not too long ago, PBS aired a Bill Moyers special called “Trade Secrets: A Moyers Report.” In it, Bill Moyers volunteered to have his blood and urine tested for chemical and toxic threats.5

The results were not surprising: 84 distinct chemicals, solvents and toxins that are known to be harmful to your health. These chemical residues – termed the “chemical body burden” – are present in every human being on this planet, regardless of where you live or what you do.
Dr. Michael McCally of Mt. Sinai School of Medicine in New York, who led the research team for the Bill Moyers report made this comment: “Current ‘normal’ body burdens of dioxin and several other [chemicals] in humans are at or near the range at which toxic effects occur in laboratory animals.”

The message is clear: Studies on animals show that the average person is carrying enough toxins to cause serious DNA damage.

Now you have a way to eliminate chemicals, toxins – even heavy metals from your body. It’s like having your own “clean-up crew” that is specially trained to find, isolate and clear out harmful poisons.*

Chlorophyll connects to toxins in the gut and prevents them from being absorbed. Barley grass contains unique amino acids that create a type of cage (chelate) around deadly toxins to carry them out of your body.*

Let me explain…

The word chelate comes from the Greek word meaning “claw.” During the process of chelation, the amino acids in barley grass grab – like a claw – onto toxins like the chemicals and heavy metals flowing through your bloodstream.

These “claws” bind to the toxins and drag them out of your system for elimination.*
And when these powerful green foods are used in combination, the results can be lifechanging.
Spirulina also has this chelating – or “claw like” ability.

Here’s what some of the world’s leading researchers are saying about the detoxifying power of spirulina:
  • “In an Oregon State University study, laboratory animals were exposed to a potent poisonous substance. The animals given a chlorophyll [spirulina] supplement prior to exposure maintained more normal tissue mass than the animals who were not given the supplement. The researchers believe that chlorophyll may help to remove free radicals and other chemicals that may cause DNA damage.*”6
  • “Important to note in the area of prevention, spirulina is richly supplied with the blue pigment phycocyanin, a biliprotein which has been shown to support normal cell growth…”7
  • “Not only has spirulina been shown to improve circulation and maintain healthy blood pressure, but Japanese scientists have discovered that it can also help detoxify the blood and maintain energy levels…”8*
The super foods you’ll find in Ultra Greens invigorate every cell, every tissue and every organ in your body. Over time, its healing power can help balance and reset all your major systems – creating a brand-new body, and a whole new outlook on life.*

Here are just a few of the health concerns that Ultra Greens has relieved or improved:
  • Healthy Weight Reduction: When you have toxins in your body, they’re stored in your fat cells. Ultra Greens removes those toxins, “emptying out your fat cells” for dramatic fat loss results.*
  • Cardiovascular Health: Ultra Greens helps your body remove LDL (bad cholesterol) and maintain healthy triglyceride levels (blood fat). It also has the remarkable ability to maintain your blood pressure that is already within the normal range.*
  • Joint Support: Ultra Greens clears away the chemicals and toxins that cause inflammation.* So far, Ultra Greens is one of the most effective long-term solutions for my patients with joint comfort and mobility concerns.*
  • Fatigue and Difficulty Sleeping: Many of my patients report increased energy and athletic performance. Others tell me they’re sleeping better than they have in years. By purifying your blood and increasing the efficiency and output of your brain and other organs, Ultra Greens gives you “power on demand” and a restful night’s sleep.*
  • Wrinkles and Sagging Skin: I’ve seen noticeable improvements in skin tone and elasticity in the faces of my own patients. Ultra Greens, being a rich source of nucleic acids like DNA and RNA, provides your skin with age-defying nutrients. The result is smoother, firmer, more radiant skin – with fewer wrinkles and age spots!*
  • Muscle Loss: Bodybuilders love Ultra Greens. Its high-quality protein boosts muscle mass and gives them extra strength to push their limits. Even if you’re not interested in weight lifting, Ultra Greens prevents muscle loss and gives you that added kick when you need it.*
  • Weakness and Digestion Trouble: The super foods in Ultra Greens mop up sluggish digestion and help promote healthy intestinal flora.* This is critical, especially if you’ve been eating bread all your life. The difference in your energy levels – and your moods – once this is cleared up is worth taking Ultra Greens all on its own.
Ultra Greens wipes your slate clean and brings you back into balance, the kind of health and stability our ancient ancestors enjoyed before the days of dangerous chemicals and our altered food supply.

I take Ultra Greens EVERY morning. After doing the research and seeing the results for myself (and in my patients), I don’t miss a day. And you shouldn’t either.

Experience for yourself what my patients are talking about.  Click on the Banner and go to ULTRA GREENS on the Left Side of the Page.

I hope you find this post helpful as we will continue to bring more natural health tips and information here.
AJ Web Marketing

P.S. – Don’t worry; Ultra Greens doesn’t have a bad aftertaste or unpleasant flavor... It dissolves easily in a glass of your favorite juice.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

The Easy Way to Drop the Fat

Re-Post from Dr. Sears Health Confidential March Issue No. 72 

AJ Web Marketing will continue to bring information on natural health so come back often are better yet  Subscribe to our Blog.

What if the central point of the entire weight-loss industry were all wrong?

Trainers and weight “specialists” tell you the only way to drop weight is to consume fewer calories or to melt more calories.
But they made a mistake. It isn’t. Because they left out the most important thing: what your body does with the calories.
And your body can decide to do other things with the calories besides building fat. It’s a decision your body makes depending on the environment you put it in.
And you can control the environment you put it in. One of the biggest ways is with two small words.

More protein.

Protein gives you the feeling that you’re full, more so than carbs or fat. Protein boosts your sensitivity to a hormone called leptin. This hormone tells your brain that you’re full. As a result, you feel satisfied. Overeating stops.
Protein is important for both losing weight and gaining muscle. A very revealing study makes a point I always try to get across to my patients: People who increased their protein intake, shed fat and gained muscle.
In fact, the people who ate a high-protein diet dropped seven pounds in six weeks. The group who followed a standard diet didn’t drop any weight. And, the high-protein group simultaneously gained twice as much muscle.
Also, getting enough protein tells your body that times are good, and flips your metabolic switch from “store fat” to “melt fat.” Then your body will use the calories as essential fuel to function at its best.
Protein IntakeYou Were Born on a Diet
Part of the issue is that you’ve very likely been on an unnatural diet since the day you were born – without realizing it. You’ve never really had access to your natural diet based on protein.
The processed food you’ve been consuming isn’t natural. It bears little resemblance to the native diet our ancestors enjoyed for hundreds of thousands of years.
Nutritionists and dieticians want you to depart from our native way of eating, and tell you that the healthiest things you can eat are processed, nutritionally worthless grains, and corn and soy.
But your body is designed to treat these foods as evidence that you’re starving.
And when you’re starving, your body thinks it has to store fat.
To reverse this process, you have to show your body that its environment is stable and plentiful. Then, your body will cooperate in your effort to become lean. In fact, it will take over, and you’ll see how easy it becomes. Because your body is simply rebuilding its naturally lean and fit state.
Notice how this has nothing to do with counting calories. In fact, if you take the typical American diet and you restrict calories on top of that, you convince your body that the problem has worsened.
It then puts everything you have into storing fat. You’ll direct all systems toward building fat at the expense of everything else.
That’s why restricting calories from the beginning will make you feel tired, and shut down repair functions, your antioxidant system, your immune system, and long-term maintenance.
You need to precede eating fewer calories by telling your body that the environment is good – that the hunting is good and that it doesn’t need to store fat.
So, how do you convince your body that the environment is good? It’s simple. Your body knows how to interpret nutrient intake so it knows whether there is famine or feasting because of thousands of years of past evolutionary experience.
What Kind of Protein Is Best for Me?
Protein ChartTry to get as many kinds as possible, but remember, your body absorbs animal protein more efficiently than plant protein.
So the most important thing you can do is increase your protein first. Try eating one gram of protein for every pound of lean muscle. You will then melt stored fat instead, so you can accomplish things like repair, long-term maintenance and immune surveillance.
If you weigh 180 pounds, and have 20 percent body fat, you have 144 pounds of lean muscle mass. So shoot for 144 grams of protein a day. If you don’t know your body fat percentage, the average man can estimate between 15 to 18 percent and women 18 to 22 percent.
The second step to directing your body to drop fat is to apply the concepts of my P.A.C.E. program to your fitness.

P.A.C.E. Reinforces the “Drop Fat” Message

A true P.A.C.E. workout reinforces the “dump fat” message. Progressively increasing the intensity of your exertion, while keeping the duration short, tells your body it’s okay to get rid of stored fat.
How does P.A.C.E. do this so well for you?
To illustrate how shorter periods of exertion get rid of fat at a greater rate than endurance workouts, take a look at this: Researchers in Quebec’s Laval University divided exercisers into two groups: long-duration and repeated short-duration.
They had the long-duration group cycle 45 minutes without interruption. The short-duration group cycled in multiple short bursts of 15 to 90 seconds, with rests in between.
The long-duration group melted twice as many calories, so you would assume they would melt more fat. However, when the researchers recorded their body composition measurements, the short-burst group showed the most fat reduction.
In fact, the short-burst group drop 9 times more fat than the endurance group for every calorie melted!
PACE Chart 2Higher intensity exertion increases fat oxidation a bit, but helps melt off more than twice as many carbs. That means you help your body choose to build muscle over storing the extra carbs as body fat.
And remember that this study wasn’t even about P.A.C.E. They were simply looking at higher intensity for short periods vs. lower intensity for longer periods. If they would have tested for P.A.C.E., there would have been even more dramatic differences.
Because P.A.C.E. turbo-charges your metabolism. After intense bursts of exercise, your body needs to melt extra calories to repair muscles, replenish energy, and bring your body back to its “normal” state. This process takes anywhere from a few hours up to a whole day – meaning you’ll melt calories long after your workout is over.

P.A.C.E. lets your body choose building muscle over storing fat. And, you get the added benefit of metabolic changes that help you turn repair and rebuilding signals back on.

If you eat protein, but do the wrong workout, your body will get confused. And confusing your muscles and your brain is a horrible idea. How can you benefit by confusing your body?

Eating excess protein first, and working out with P.A.C.E. is how you keep your body from being confused. Signaling your body to build muscle and dump fat have to be done together, at the right time, through what you eat and how you exert yourself.

This kind of reinforcement, by doing things in the right order, helps you accomplish the goal of transforming your body, which is why I created my new PACE Express program. I designed it to help you unlock your body’s own power to transform itself.

If you follow PACE Express the way I lay it out for you, you will transform your body. This is not guesswork… it is a proven system that works time and time again for my patients who use it.
The sad reality is most weight-reduction and fitness programs simply don’t work. The proof is that 90% or more of those people who drop pounds when they diet or follow an exercise plan will regain all of the weight – and in some cases, even more – within 5 years.

But PACE Express works because it gives your body the right challenges in the right order. It’s the formula that let’s your body transform itself naturally.

Have you heard that we’ve launched a national TV campaign for PACE Express? Everyone who’s seen it loves it, and the response has been incredible. My staff has been flooded with phone calls and orders.

Because for the first time, the American television audience has a chance to get a program that really works.

If you’re doing P.A.C.E. now or have ever seriously thought about doing something to drop excess fat – and you don’t want to do aerobics or go jogging – take a look at this video.


1. Phinney S. “Ketogenic diets and physical performance.” Nutr Metab (Lond). 2004 Aug 17;1(1):2.
2. Tremblay A, Simoneau JA, Bouchard C. “Impact of exercise intensity on body fatness and skeletal muscle metabolism.” Metabolism. 1994;43(7): 814-818.